NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria

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Local Services

NavSpace is an online guide to mental health and wellbeing support services in the North East region of Victoria.

Local results for Alcohol and Other Drugs Support services in the Alpine Shire and Resorts region.

Alba Health

At Alba Health, they use the concept of the Wellbeing Triangle to tailor our medical care to treat the person as a whole, providing holistic, high quality and patient centered care - not just focusing on treating the disease process. Health & wellbeing is supported by both our physical and mental health; these are in turn influenced by biological, psychological and social (biopsychosocial) factors that interact, creating a complex dynamic, or balance, that affects our physical and mental health and so, in turn, our overall Health and Wellbeing. Every person is unique and different: no one dynamic is the same. This is what we mean by the concept of the Wellbeing Triangle.

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Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS)

AWAHS is a non-profit organisation that was developed and set up to cater for the primary health care needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families.

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Gateway Health – Alcohol & Other Drugs Supports

Gateway Health provides a range of alcohol & other drugs (AOD) treatment services to both young people and adults. The primary service delivery sites include Wangaratta and Wodonga, with outreach services available to areas in Alpine Mansfield and Indigo Shires for community members 18 years +.

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Headspace offers services in person, over the phone or via Telehealth.

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Mansfield District Hospital – Mansfield RESTART

This local state funded service (until June 2021) is available in all regions to Youth (13-25), Adults (26-64) and Older Adults (65+).

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