NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria

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Local Services

NavSpace is an online guide to mental health and wellbeing support services in the North East region of Victoria.

Local results for Community support services in the Rural City of Wangaratta region.

Grit and Resilience Program Wangaratta

The program follows the collective impact model and takes a community-driven approach to better address and improve mental health and wellbeing and support for those affected by suicide in the Wangaratta municipality. Within the program there are three priority areas, two of which were directly nominated by community. These priorities are: 1. Creating connections – improving opportunities for people to connect. 2. Including and involving – promoting inclusion. 3. Post-vention – promoting a change in community attitudes and in the response of services before and after a death by suicide within our community. Each priority area is supported by an Action Plan that was developed following community consultation which shaped the activities included within.

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Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC)

UMFC provides a wide range of services for families.

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