NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria
If you need urgent help, phone 000 or Lifeline on 131 114.
NavSpace is an interactive service directory.
It provides a service response to community members across the Ovens Murray catchment.
NavSpace was set up in response to the 2019-20 Victorian bushfires. This was a time when numerous services were funded to support community recovery and postvention support. Keeping track of all stakeholders and their service offerings involved in recovery efforts proved difficult. Directories quickly became out of date and something more long term was required.
The recovery and emotional wellbeing committees in the North East Regions outlined the need for a more strategic and longer term solution that can remain current and versatile in the ever-changing environment. This is where NavSpace is so worthwhile.
We are here to provide support to you as you need it and encourage you to contact us if you require further information or can see opportunities for improvement.