NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria

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Beechworth Surgery

Beechworth Surgery

Medical services available

  • Paediatric, adolescent, adult and geriatric care
  • Immediate treatment or advice for acute medical and surgical emergencies at all times
  • Treatment for disorders of mental health, such as counselling, relaxation therapy, medication and specialist treatment
  • Women’s health issues, family planning and sexual problems
  • Men’s health issues
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Lactation consultant
  • Treatment for solar damage and skin cancers, with freeze therapy (cryotherapy) or surgical removal (biopsy)
  • Specialist referral to a wide range of expert consultants.

Visiting services

  • Audiology
  • Diabetes Education
  • Dietetics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology
  • Neuroprotective Developmental Care for unsettled babies and young children.

Other services

  • Pathology tests
  • Home visits.


  • Medical Centres

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