NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria
If you need urgent help, phone 000 or Lifeline on 131 114.
NavSpace is an online guide to mental health and wellbeing support services in the North East region of Victoria.
NavSpace is a tool aimed at providing you access to the services you need, when you need them.
It is proudly managed by the Ovens Murray Public Health Unit.
NavSpace has been developed as a tool for North East communities to enable easy access to local resources and services in times of need.
It includes a range of listings of support services and agencies which can assist people, including providing advice, counselling and financial support.
Would you like your service added to the NavSpace
directory? This is a free service.
If you are an unpaid carer, we have information to help you.
NavSpace was originally set up in response to the 2019-2020 bushfires which impacted many communities in North East Victoria. It is now managed by the Ovens Murray Public Health Unit and has been expanded to provide a range of listings to help people whenever they need.