NavSpace – Support Services in North East Victoria
This federal funded program provides support to community members in all regions (Alpine, Towong, Wodonga, Indigo, Mansfield and Wangaratta) over the age of 65 (50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) to engage and access other services they may need such as home support or counselling.
Anticipated Wait Times: 1-2 weeks max.
Costs: No Costs associated
Targeted Cohorts Included: Disability, Homelessness, Mental Health, Women and Men’s Heath and Support Services, LGBTQA+, CALD & Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders
Click here for more information on Tiers.
65 years + (over 50 years+ for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders)
Please call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Alternatively you can contact the Access and Support Care Coordinator on 0437 660 748 or
Click here to view Gateway Health brochure.
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